Saturday, December 8, 2012

How Reading Can Make You a Super Mom

How can I be a super mom? Don't we all ask ourselves this question from the minute we get pregnant and feel the soul of our loved one growing inside of us? Personally, when I conceived my first girl I wished someone could provide me with A to Z steps on how to be the best mother in the world but this is impossible. Even child psychologists haven't agreed on one unique method to raising our children. I have read so many parenting books and what I found is that the general methods are common but when it comes to practicing these methods scientists might disagree. Nevertheless, reading is, in my own opinion, essential for a good parenting adventure. Books will not only tell us how to deal with certain situations but they will help us learn how to find a suitable solution to our child's case since every child is unique therefore every child needs a different kind of intervention.

So, my number one tip for being a super mom is:


Begin reading from the minute you learn you're going to be a mother. Fall in love with those parenting books because they might be your only way out. If you're a new-mom you cannot possibly imagine the twisted situations a child could put you through or go through himself. Therefore, you need to be well prepared. Choose two or three of the most popular parenting books; go through the suggested ideas and explained techniques and see how you can apply what you read to your actual situation.

I will recommend few books: How To Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen so Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber, The Baby Book: Everything You Need To Know About Your Baby from Birth To Age Two by William Sears, The No-Cry Sleep solution: Gentle Ways To Help Your Baby Sleep Through the Night Foreword by William Sears, MD by Elizabeth Pantley, Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too by Adele Faber, Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and Reason by Alfie Kohn.

Now after you have read so many books, you will have enough material to allow you to act well under hard circumstances. And as a mother you will be facing many, from the moment you give birth to the second you accompany your child to the altar.

Even If You're a Mother, Don't Neglect Your Own Dreams   Weight Loss After Pregnancy - 5 Reasons New Moms Must Ask for Help   What Kind of Flowers Should I Give My Mum on Mother's Day?   Going Back To School: How Mothers Should Deal With Children Anxiety   A Mother's Love for Her Children   Getting Ready For Your Baby: Some Tips   

Memoirs of A Loving Mum - A Self Review

A true account based on the life experiences of a loving mother to her only daughter, this short story depicts the strong, yet contrasting emotions of a young inspiring lawyer on her mum, whom she thought was nothing but a loser in life. Yet circumstances have proven likewise. Read on and let your emotions flow.

The Story

It doesn't strike so much to me as a pure coincidence to see her again. And here she is, walking along the streets of Keung Siak puffing away with a cigarette in hand." Cold - calling for business, eh?" I thought to myself. The year was 2003. It was barely half-past five, a typical Wednesday afternoon. The sun was shining up high. It's certainly not the best time of the day for anything. But to her, the day had just begun.

She is my Mum. Or is she? I guessed so. It's hard to imagine myself being borne by her. Difficult it may seem I tried convincing myself umpteen times for so many years. Futile attempts after attempts. Things are not going to make any difference anyway. My maternal grandma meant the most to me, not her. It had always been this case. At least for the past 28 years she had always been in my mind. And perhaps for the rest of my life till my very last breath she will be the only one in my heart. Even years after her demise, I missed her terribly.

And who is this stranger again that I have just met?

I was told she absconded from the labour ward before I can even feel myself cradled in her arms way back in 1972. My grandma brought me home from the hospital only a week later. She came back home the very next day, asking for $2000. No one knew where she had been for the past seven days. Or simply, no one really bothered to question. Her just reward, she claimed. I didn't realised I was worth only two grand to her. This is a practical joke, isn't it? I couldn't agree more.

It didn't come to me as a surprise that she did not get what she wanted. We were poor those days. I was glad she didn't push her luck or create trouble. She simply stayed on with us. At times she disappears for a week or two. The longest I ever recalled was two months. But never once did she ever bring money home to supplement the house expenditures. She spends her time at home idling or drinking. Perhaps pinching my cheek or gave me a lollypop was the best thing she can ever do in a good mood.

Grandpa was a welder and grandma had to stop her laundry job to take care of me. Making ends meet with a total household income of barely $900 seemed a great challenge. But it wasn't impossible. I had 12 years of education, a computer, my favourite Disney toy, pocket-money and even occasional treats to Macdonald's. It was amazing with these meagre monthly bread and butter I can get all I ever needed and desired through my growing years. I didn't have many new toys though, perhaps one or two every year on my birthdays. That's enough for me. I simply hated lollipops.

Days were looking better for us when I got my Scholarship for Overseas studies. Everything was paid for and grandpa made a small profit selling our old house. It was during this time she ran away from home again, but for the last time. I never saw her again. Not even when I came back from England four years later with a 1st Class Honours Degree in Law.

I started my firm in 2000 after working four years as a corporate lawyer in one of the most established law firms in town with impressive staff strength of 20. I held a grand celebration for Grandpa's 70th Birthday at Ritz Carlton Hotel along with grandma and some other relatives. A month earlier I got us a private bungalow house after throwing a couple of millions taking over and renovation as his birthday gift. Both Grandpa and Grandma were envied by our relatives for who I have become now. There is nothing as strong as the love we had for each other. A real family is all that matters to me.

Since young I have perceived her as a missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle to our family. An unwelcome piece of the family puzzles to be stomped on and crushed like an insect. Not everyone is blessed with a mother's love and bondage. I have to admit this for a fact. But I don't need her at all. Not then, not now. Not in many years to come as well.

I was so deeply engrossed reminiscing the old memories as if it just occurred yesterday. I didn't even realised she was approaching and waving to me gently. If she thinks I may ever change my mind in letting her back into the family, that's clearly wishful thinking. Extorting money from me perhaps, I rather give it all to charity than saving a penny for her. Whatever it is, I just need to be on my guard for now and see what comes along the way.

It came as a big shock to me when she did not reacts the way I would expect her to. "You shouldn't be here, my dear." She said in an unusually calm tone. "It's not safe for a young woman like you. Since you're here, perhaps you can come over to my place for a little while. It's been ages since I last saw you." I was obviously dumbfounded. I was gearing up all my defences when she countered it so indifferently.

Suddenly she sounded like an old friend whom I have not met for a very long time. This feeling is over-whelming and I had difficulty resisting it. I simply can't bring myself to say no.

It was a briefly short visit though, lasting no more than ten minutes. The apartment was co-shared by six other women whom are her friends in the same profession. She had become a social escort since I last saw her. Paid sex provider, I thought to myself. Now this is the truth I have waited for all these years. And this filthy woman is none other than my biological mum. I couldn't take it anymore, and I left when she went off the kitchen to get me a drink. I took out a small stack of $50 notes and casted it on the coffee table. That's it. This is the furthest I can stretch my heart out to her.

I didn't tell anyone in the family I saw her. Not even my Grandpa. This part of my memory is so devastating that I just wanted to erase it off without a trace. Life will still go on forgetting unhappy stuff. Repression is the best and only thing that I could rely on. News of her death came two months later after I last saw her. It was terminal stage of liver cancer that took her life. She was only 46 then. Honestly I was a little surprised but certainly not deeply shocked. She had been an incorrigible alcoholic all her life.

Perhaps she had known right from the start that drowning her sorrows in liquor will eventually cost her own life.

As much as I was reluctant to break the news to my grandparents, I knew I had to do it. She was their only daughter. The funeral possessions lasted for a week and I had to make a trip to her old apartment, clearing all her belongings and make way for the new tenant. In fact, there wasn't much to pack. I guessed she knew she was dying and gave away most of her clothes and other stuff. But she left a letter and a rusty, old metal tin underneath her pillow.

I opened the box out of curiosity. And till my dying day, I wished I hadn't. I don't want my heart to melt. Yet it did. The rusty tin had nothing more than 28 sticks of lollipops in it, with an old photograph of her posing with a lollypop with my grandparents when she was a kid. It was her favourite sweet. Perhaps she thought it's mine as well. I opened up the letter as fast as I could. There were only a couple of sentences: "I knew you must have hated me. But if I could, if I still may, I would like to hold you for the very first time in my arms. I don't know how it feels like. But I knew it would be wonderful."

There was another message at the back of the old photograph that says, "Lollypops make me forget my unhappiness. May your life be as sweet as it can ever be? Love, Mom."

An old newspaper article that was slipped silently between the letters fell on the floor. It reads, "17 year old university law student raped on her way home from school. Depression caused her to attempted suicide when she knew she was pregnant."

She had it all along in her. She knew my existence is to realise her unfulfilled dream as a top lawyer. I never knew we had so much in common. But she knew.

For the very first time in my life, I want to remember that I have a mum. And I love her.


Nothing evokes human emotions more than pure love. Inspired by this true life account, this story will continue to rekindle kinship between moms and their children more than anything else in this world.

Even If You're a Mother, Don't Neglect Your Own Dreams   Weight Loss After Pregnancy - 5 Reasons New Moms Must Ask for Help   What Kind of Flowers Should I Give My Mum on Mother's Day?   Going Back To School: How Mothers Should Deal With Children Anxiety   A Mother's Love for Her Children   Getting Ready For Your Baby: Some Tips   

Wanted Mom

I have read and heard much of mother's love. I have experienced the pure unconditional love from my mother, but have always not felt at par with the benchmark mothers. I have always felt I need to grow up in many ways, to reach the bench mark. Even now I am far from the bench mark, but have started realizing one thing, that I enjoy being a mom.

Grown up kids. You don't have to keep chastising and feel bad for the same. You can talk in the direct language, no simplification, no dilution needed in words and content. They can understand you. We should only know how much to tell, how long to tell. The longer your speech, the more tired they are to listen. Once you are precise in your diction and effective in presentation, you are heard, you are understood. What else you need as a parent. This doesn't need a training as such, but only pure love, unconditional love. When the innate love in you is full and vibrant, you won't complicate words and toughen your stands. Not all days are dark or the whole day is dark. Light and darkness do alternate each other. Hence when you feel a day was hard with your kid, don't try to resolve it the same day. Give it a day or two. It would be stressful to put up with odd behaviour patterns with children. But after you convey your dissatisfaction, wait, not only for them to melt down, but you to calm down and get the balance. Once we understand these intricacies we can pass this phase smoothly.

Tholukku minjinaal thozhan which means once your child grows above your shoulders they are your friends. They really are!!! Would anyone want to lose that friend? All parents need to remember this, that they are friends and not your children any more, share your ups and downs with them, that will urge them to share theirs with you. Give them the feeling that you are not going to bark and bite them for the worst of mistakes lest they should not open up at all. That is a bad state of affairs. Let them talk their heart, let them talk their mind. It may be shocking, you may not want to hear but you can't let them shut those emotions up. You need to know their mind, unless you let them talk how will they open up.

Let them have their privacy but don't let them develop secrecy. All these are not just ideals. These are possible, when you give them long rope and let them enjoy all they wish with in that rope. Once you lose control and shout or hit, they are not innocent enough to respect you still. The Generation Next has a lot of self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worth. It is not like how our parents who followed 'spare the rod and spoil the kid' formula.

Once all these are taken care of and you try to be a friendly parent, you are the most wanted. I bet you. The pure love that exudes from the heart's depth cannot be veiled, will not be distorted until it reaches the target - your dearest friend, your daughter or son.

Not only emotional support, they look upon you for a lot of physical support in the sense, they demand your physical effort, in terms of variety of food. The world now is full of junk food and ia also full of the knowledge that junk food is not good. Hence they know not to indulge in it too much. So they want you to attend to their palate lavishly. They demand openly. Feel good you are 'wanted'. Try and chisel your culinary skill. Your love will bring out the best in you I am sure. Don't feel lazy to explore your kitchen. Dont pick the word 'slog' to describe your status. Enjoy the chore. Your children (friends) will definitely give you a break when you need. Once in a while, when you are too tired they will adjust with the stuff you feed and will not forget that their mom is the best waiter for them. Giving them a break with ordered food will also help occasionally.

It is very important for a mom to be healthy- mentally, emotionally and physically to cope with the new age kids' needs. Hence appeal all my friends out there to keep a healthy mind, body and soul to give the best generation next.

Even If You're a Mother, Don't Neglect Your Own Dreams   Weight Loss After Pregnancy - 5 Reasons New Moms Must Ask for Help   What Kind of Flowers Should I Give My Mum on Mother's Day?   Going Back To School: How Mothers Should Deal With Children Anxiety   A Mother's Love for Her Children   Getting Ready For Your Baby: Some Tips   

The Economic Advantages of Digital Products

For creators of learning content products deciding to create physical or digital products is a key decision. There is no doubt that sometimes physical products are needed. This is especially true when your audience demands them.

However, there are a number of major economic advantages to creating only digital products.

Of course, there are many levels that you can consider when determining the economic advantages of anything. You may consider its effects on society in general. You might consider its effects on the country. You may consider its effects on the purchaser. Or you may consider its effects on the producer. Or you may consider all of the above.

For this article, I'm going to limit myself to the economic effects for the producer of learning content products. In general there are six areas that a learning content creator is economically concerned with when creating their products. Five are cost items and one is related to revenues. In this article I'm going to examine some of the economic advantages in those areas.

1. Cost to create a learning content product. At first glance there shouldn't be any difference between the cost of creating a digital and physical version of the same content. After all they both follow the same process. In fact, all media follows roughly the same process. However, depending on the media there can be a difference. For example, a book must be larger than an eBook. A physical audio recording must be less than eighty minutes long (seventy to be safe). But a digital audio recording can be any length. However, ignoring this difference there is no economic difference in the creation of the learning content.

2. Cost to produce a learning content product. Production includes those tasks necessary to turn a completed product into a manufacturable or salable product. Again at first glance, there is little economic advantage since they both require the same process. However, in the case of a physical product it is necessary to create a print quality cover as well as the display cover. This represents a minor increase in cost over a digital product. In fact, most publishers will automatically request this even for digital products since it allows greater flexibility in the future.

3. Cost to manufacture a learning content product. This is where the largest difference lies. The cost to manufacture a digital product is minimal. In fact it is generally no different that the cost to submit the physical product. On the other hand a physical product will cost anywhere from $1 per unit to $4 per unit. In fact, $15 and up per unit is the range for a hard cover book.

4. Cost to inventory a learning content product. In the case of a digital product the cost of inventory is negligible. In fact, it should work out to less than seven cents per day even using a relatively expensive web host. And of course, the number of units being kept in stock is irrelevant. Physical products usually require some form of stock maintenance even in the case of production on demand. While the actual cost will vary depending on a number of factors, it will definitely exceed $1 per unit per day.

5. Cost to market and sell a learning content product. This is where the biggest difference occurs. The cost to ship a digital product is minimal (less than one cent). The cost to ship a physical product runs from $3 to $15 or higher.

6. Selling price. Countering the cost of manufacturing and inventorying a physical product is the selling price of a physical product. It used to be that there was a considerable differential between a digital product's selling price and that of the equivalent physical product. Typically this would be in the fifty percent range. This began to change and the premium a customer was willing to pay began to reduce. However, with the arrival of the Kindle and other eBook readers, the differential has begun to reassert itself.

Membership Site Or Download Page?   How To Build An Apple App   The Easiest Way to Start (and Finish) a Project   Repurposing: Getting The Most Mileage From Your Content   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   

Product Creation - Interviewing Experts Is The Simple Way

The best way to make money online is by creating your own information products. Many people know this already but really struggle to come up with that great idea that will make them their millions.

When you think of creating your first information product you initially think there is a lot of research involved which will also cost you a lot of time and money. It doesn't have to be this way and the method I will talk about will take a lot less time and money.

One of the best and cheapest ways to create your first information product involves interviewing an expert in your chosen niche. By interviewing an expert your product will gain instant credibility.

The first thing you need to do is draft 15 - 20 questions that you will want to ask the expert. You will want to make sure the questions are brief and don't include simple questions that only require a yes or no answer.

When constructing the questions put yourself in your customers' position. Think about what they are interested in and what type of information they would like to hear about.

Be sure to have your recording set up ready for the call. You can use the record function on Skype or the old fashion way of using a tape recorder. Test everything before you go live as this is the most important part of the whole interview.

Now you have your recording sorted you should get in contact with your expert ahead of time. Contact them via email or phone and go over the questions you will be asking them. This way the expert doesn't feel like they are on the spot and the interview can flow naturally.

You may also want to double confirm the interview time with your chosen expert. Things happen real fast online and you don't want to be left hanging by a missed schedule.

Once everything is set you can begin the interview. Ask some thought provoking questions that will really give your product added credibility. If you're asking questions your target market don't have answers to then you will be onto a winner.

Creating information products is one of the best ways to make money online. By using this method and interviewing an expert in your chosen niche you will have a creditable product right off the bat and it will not cost you any money and very little time.

Membership Site Or Download Page?   How To Build An Apple App   The Easiest Way to Start (and Finish) a Project   Repurposing: Getting The Most Mileage From Your Content   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   Uncovering New Money Making Ideas Online   

How Banner Advertisements Work

Banner advertising is simply a form of advertising on the World Wide Web. Banner advertising involves embedding an advertisement into a Web page. Banners are designed so that when you click on them, they take you to the Web site of the advertiser. Typically, these ads have GIF or JPEG images. Flash and other technologies are also used. Banners are typically placed on sites/pages with relevant content. Banner ads load when the page they are placed on is loaded by the browser. When the banner advertisement is clicked on, a hyperlink directs the customer to the Web site advertised in the banner. This process is known as click-through.

The pay-per-click system uses software to track the number of clicks. Each click generates revenue to the provider of the content. Advertisers do not make any commission on the click-through. Instead they get direct sales if a customer buys from them. Banners simply notify potential customers of products and services being offered by the advertiser. Banner ads are flexible in that they can be changed at any time. Unique forms of animation can be added to banners to entice the customer into clicking on them. Many customers consider banner ads as spam and set their Web browsers to block pop-up banner ads.

There are several reasons why online businesses may choose to use banner ads to promote their products and services. Some of the reasons include:

To increase the amount of Web site traffic to their site To increase the sales of their products and services to customers. To let customers know about any special deals that they are offering or any new products or services that they are selling. To get your name on the Internet so that customers know who you are.

Banner ads are effective advertising tools when used properly.

Getting Banner Traffic in Niche Markets - Why You Should Always Avoid These Types of Sites   Using Banner Advertising to Get Traffic in a New Market - What to Do If You Can't Get Visitors   Car Buying Made Easy Through Online Auctions   Choosing the Right Banner Software For You   Banner Advertising Must-Knows - Impressions, Costs, and Benefits of Banner Ads   

Banner Advertising - Promote Your Business

Online advertising is used for promoting the business in the market. This form of promotion is cheaper or cost effective as compared to print and broadcast media. The modern technology has introduced several methods and techniques in order to independently create online promotions. The advantage of creating an attractive as well as impressive online promotion is to establish an online presence and enter into the cyber market. With the popularity of Internet medium, the presence of a company over the World Wide Web can bring quality traffic to the website of a company. This potential traffic is instrumental in converting visits into sales for an organization. As a result, the online banners play a crucial role in generating large amount of revenue for an enterprise.

Due to great potential of the traffic, as a marketer you should design a banner in an impressive manner. You can use a variety of banner creator tools for the purpose of designing an online advertising. Select the design, pattern, color or graphics provided to you in the templates. There are some computer programs that provide you with an array of options to select. However, you can also find a number of banner maker computer programs which can customize the elements selected for embellishing an online advertisement. You can personalize the design, pattern and layout of an online promotion. One can make the changes as one desires or requires.

You can change the color of the template or type your own text for a banner with the help of latest technology based computer programs. A person can use the graphics and even insert a company logo in order to promote a corporate image. One can make the changes for whenever desirable or required. Save or store the online advertisement in any formats provided to you such as PNG, JPEG or any other. By selecting appropriate template or a computer program you can make your task of designing a banner easy as well as simple.

Getting Banner Traffic in Niche Markets - Why You Should Always Avoid These Types of Sites   Using Banner Advertising to Get Traffic in a New Market - What to Do If You Can't Get Visitors   Car Buying Made Easy Through Online Auctions   Getting Banner Advertising Traffic in Niche Markets - How to Get Sites to Run Your Ads For Free   Monetize Your Site With Direct Advertising   

Using Banner Advertising to Get Traffic in a New Market - List Building Strategies You Can Use

When it comes to getting a lot of visitors to your site in the market that you are working in you have to realize that banner advertising is the one source you are going to have to make sure you focus on using. You are also going to have to make sure you have a really good list building strategy in place if you want to make this source work as well. In this article I want to show you list building strategies you can use to get massive amounts of visitors to your site with this source.

Why List Building And Banner Advertising Is So Important When You Are Starting Out...

When it comes to making a lot of money in the market that you are working in you have to realize that banner advertising is the best source to make the most amount of money from. But if you don't have the right list building strategy in place you are not going to be able to maximize the amount of traffic you are going to get to your site.

Not only that, you need more than one chance to prove to the visitors that you are getting from your banner advertising that you can help them out. So if you focus on getting your visitors onto a mailing list you are going to be able to increase the amount of impact you can have on them.

You will be able to email them on an ongoing basis and give them things of value so you can then get them to buy more of what you are selling in the market that you are working in.

This is really important because if someone clicks on your banner, comes to your site and does not buy from you they are going to end up going away and probably will never come back again. So you need to make sure you are focused on getting them to give you their contact information.

How To Build A Massive List With Your Banner Advertising Efforts...

First - You have to make sure you are focused on driving all your banner advertising traffic to a customized landing page so you can get their contact information.

You have to make sure you customize the landing page so you can increase your conversions and get more people to give you their contact information.

Second - You have to make sure you are focused on emailing those people on a regular basis.

The bottom line is that you need to make sure you are focused on emailing your list so you can build a relationship with them. The more you email them and keep in contact with them, the more likely they are going to be to buy what you are trying to sell them.

Getting Banner Traffic in Niche Markets - Why You Should Always Avoid These Types of Sites   Using Banner Advertising to Get Traffic in a New Market - What to Do If You Can't Get Visitors   Car Buying Made Easy Through Online Auctions   Quick Cash Concept Review - Find Out The Truth About This System   Choosing the Right Banner Software For You   Banner Advertising Must-Knows - Impressions, Costs, and Benefits of Banner Ads   

Online Advertising For Less - When SEO and SEM Just Isn't Enough

Any successful online marketer will tell you, the key to a balanced marketing mix is having a variety of tactics that fit your budget and business objectives... from no cost SEO and SEM... to paid advertising with banner ads, blogs, text ads, display ads, newsletter sponsorships, email marketing and more.

Plain and simple: When you really want to increase your Web exposure... and sales... you need to cast a broader net using targeted online advertising.

But the question is, how do you leverage this powerful platform without spending a fortune?

The answer is learning the 'insider secrets' to buying online ads for less.

Below are some "must know's" before doing your next online media buy or dealing with account executives:

The Art of the Online Ad Deal In the process of putting together your online media buy (or "insertion order" as the official agreement is referred to), you will be required to analyze many proposals from different website, blogs or ad networks. You'll need to ascertain if the rate you are being quoted is cost effective and comparable to industry rates. This is where the "Media Tracking Matrix" spreadsheet comes in handy. I recommend sorting this sheet by ad rate, lowest to highest. So you can see instantly which contenders are out of budget or not.

Keep in mind that when online account ad executives start quoting you advertising rates, many drivers can influence that rate such as the following. And you should be aware of these factors in order to make sure you get the best possible ad rate:

Seasonality. Most Web traffic typically drops during summer months as well as major holidays. Use this knowledge to your advantage and try to get lower rates during these times. You can also pause your ad if it happens to be running during a holiday and have it turned back on after the holiday.

Exclusivity. Find out if your ad is get 100% of the rotations or is sharing that ad space with other advertisers. For instance, one banner ad on a website may rotate and have 5 different messages each time you refresh. This is known as being "fixed ad placement" or "shared ad placement". If you're told you have shared placement, find out how many actual impressions YOU will receive.

Site Targeting. Will your ad be ROS (run of site), by channel, by page? Typically, you can drill down your banner ad or advertising message down to a specific page. But the lower your drill the more you will pay for that targeting. The higher you go, the less you pay. ROS is the highest level, so it's usually the cheapest. Next is usually ROC (run of channel), that is, running your ad within targeted sections of a site. Then there are also specific pages or demographic targeting. Your goals and budget will determine which placement is best for your needs.

Remnant Space. Check with the account executive to see if they have any remnant space (space that they're having difficulty selling for any reason) or last minute specials. With more popular and high traffic websites, you can get some great deals on remnant space. Make sure to find out the Terms and Conditions.

Termination Right. Make sure your insertion order has a "termination right" or "out clause" (typically 24 - 48 hours). This way, if you see after a week your ad isn't performing, and you tested other ads, you can end the campaign without penalty and only pay for impressions served.

For more proven, powerful, and money saving ideas for online advertising as well as to boost your ad's performance, check out Muscle Media: The Complete Guide to Buying Online Ads for Less. Inside you'll learn the tips and tricks to negotiating effective and cost-efficient online media buys. You'll also learn...

-How to create a high-performing (low cost!) media plan -Proven techniques for developing powerful online ads -Best online ad networks (based on unbiased, hands on experience!) -Suggested media allocations for your online marketing mix -Marketing analysis and reporting tips -Media 'cheat sheet' with the critical questions you need to ask on your next media buy -Business negotiations 101 (and other tips) when dealing with online account executives -The top questions to ask when coordinating JV, affiliate or publishing ad swaps -The best free web tools for online advertising -And much more!

The key to a successful online media campaign is knowing what to buy, where to buy it, how to gauge performance, and ultimately how to get the best rate that suits your budget.

The big misconception by many marketers and small business owners alike is that media buying, whether it's online or offline, is expensive.

That is not always the case -- especially if you're educated about the entire media buying process. So get informed and don't be afraid to test online advertising. With the right ad in the right place... you're poised for optimum results!

Getting Banner Traffic in Niche Markets - Why You Should Always Avoid These Types of Sites   Using Banner Advertising to Get Traffic in a New Market - What to Do If You Can't Get Visitors   Car Buying Made Easy Through Online Auctions   Getting Banner Advertising Traffic in Niche Markets - How to Get Sites to Run Your Ads For Free   Monetize Your Site With Direct Advertising   Getting Banner Traffic in Niche Markets - Insider Secrets to Increasing Your Click Through Rate   

Banner Advertising Secrets You Can Use to Get More Traffic - How to Tell If Your Market Will Work

One of the biggest problems that a lot of people have when they are trying to get more visitors to their site with banner advertising is the fact that they have no idea if this source is going to work in the market that they are in. You have to realize that if you use banner advertising in the wrong market you are going to end up wasting a lot of your time and money. In this article I want to show you exactly how to figure out which market will work best for you.

Why Some Markets Won't Work With Banner Advertising...

You have to realize that when it comes to making a lot of money online in the market that you are working in, most markets will work with this source but there will be a few that you will not be able to use.

If you get caught using the wrong market when you are trying to get visitors to your site with banner advertising you are going to end up losing a lot of money and you will end up wasting a lot of time as well.

The reason that this source will not work in all markets online is because some markets are full of people who have no desire to click on banner ads! You can run the biggest ads you can find and they still won't click on them and come to your site.

So you have to make sure you realize that if you get into one of these markets and you can't get people to click on your ads, you need to make sure you find a new source to use or you find a new market to work in.

Here Is How To Tell If You're Market Will Work...

First - You have to make sure you can afford to buy ads on the sites in your market.

The bottom line is that the first thing you are going to have to make sure you do is figure out if you can actually buy the ads that are for sale in your market.

If you find out that most of the ads are going to be over $1,000 each, you might want to think about finding a new market to work in.

Second - You have to make sure you are focused on making sure you can find a model in your market.

You are going to have to make sure you can find someone who you can model your marketing after. The better model you can find in the market that you are working in, the more money you are going to make.

So make sure you focus on these two things when you are trying to get more visitors to your site.

Getting Banner Traffic in Niche Markets - Why You Should Always Avoid These Types of Sites   Using Banner Advertising to Get Traffic in a New Market - What to Do If You Can't Get Visitors   Car Buying Made Easy Through Online Auctions   Getting Banner Advertising Traffic in Niche Markets - How to Get Sites to Run Your Ads For Free   Banner Advertising Must-Knows - Impressions, Costs, and Benefits of Banner Ads   

Friday, December 7, 2012

Banner Advertising Secrets You Can Use to Get More Traffic - Why This Source Still Works Online

One of the biggest problems that a lot of people have when it comes to getting more visitors to their site from banner advertising is the fact that they don't think that this source will work for them in the markets that they are currently working in. In this article I want to show you exactly why this source still works today and why it can work for you if you use it the right way.

Why Banner Advertising Has Gotten A Bad Reputation Online...

One of the biggest problems with banner advertising is the fact that over the last number of years it has gotten a really bad reputation for not working.

The problem with this is it is not all true! You have to realize that just because some people say it does not work or will not work does not mean that they are going to be right. You have to realize that this source works really well if you know what you are doing.

But the problem is that when you get enough people who don't like it and who can't make money with it writing stuff on their blogs and websites, you can build a lot of evidence to show that it might not work.

But you have to realize that in most cases you have no idea what they have done in their markets to try and make it work the right way. It could be the fact that their ads are really poorly written and they could not get anyone to click on them and come to their site.

So you have to make sure that just because other people tell you a traffic source will not work does not mean that they are always going to be right about it.

Here Is Why This Source Works And Why You Need To Use It Now...

Reason #1 - You can get a massive amount of visitors to your site in the market that you are working in if you use this source the right way.

The reason that it does work so well is because if you have a really good ad, you can get a massive click through rate on the banners that you have created.

Reason #2 - If there is ad space available then there are people looking to buy the ads that are for sale.

You have to realize that one of the problems that site owners are having is the fact that they have more space because of all the content they are creating than they can actually sell.

So you have to make sure you realize that you can get really good deals if you know what you are doing.

Getting Banner Traffic in Niche Markets - Why You Should Always Avoid These Types of Sites   Using Banner Advertising to Get Traffic in a New Market - What to Do If You Can't Get Visitors   Car Buying Made Easy Through Online Auctions   Getting Banner Advertising Traffic in Niche Markets - How to Get Sites to Run Your Ads For Free   

How Can Quick Cash Concept Assist With Remarketing?

One of the fundamental truths to your on-line promotion mission is that you will need prospects to your web-site! In a perfect universe, you will probably identify your target market, get your ad in front of them and get them to do the behavior you requested (ordinarily to follow your ad/link).

However, as we're all aware, we aren't residing in a perfect universe, and readers of our ad will not always take the action we ask for. In an ordinary situation, when they have noticed our ads and left our site without making any action, we have most likely wasted our opportunity to change viewers into buyers.

What if there were a means for your advertisement to stick to these prospects when they go around to other websites? If we were able to over and over again get our advertising in front of our leads, even when they leave our web-site and go elsewhere, we would improve our chances of converting them into purchasers.

This best case scenario, where we are able to stick with our customers with our advertising, is not only a possibility; it's a technique any professional Internet marketer is going to want to do! And they can do it by the art of retargeting!

With remarketing after someone goes to your website, or possibly even your landing page, they receive a cookie. Then, when they head to one of tons of sites that have banner advertisements, your ad will go after them. It is just like legally stalking your visitors.

The more your ad is noticed, the more familiarity your potential customers are going to have with you and your product or service. We all know that familiarity develops ease and ease is a significant part in turning browsers into buyers.

So exactly how do you engage in retargeting? Google has placed retargeting (also know as remarketing) into its tool box. In March of this year (2010), Google performed a remarketing trial involving a few hundred of their select internet marketers.

The results were so favorable that Google made a decision to insure that it is a stable portion of their services. The way Google's remarketing performs is, before a visitor comes to your web page, you place a "remarketing tag".

Getting Banner Traffic in Niche Markets - Why You Should Always Avoid These Types of Sites   Using Banner Advertising to Get Traffic in a New Market - What to Do If You Can't Get Visitors   Car Buying Made Easy Through Online Auctions   Getting Banner Advertising Traffic in Niche Markets - How to Get Sites to Run Your Ads For Free   Monetize Your Site With Direct Advertising   

Displaying RSS Feeds With Javascript

Many webmasters are confused with the advantages and disadvantages in using Javascript to display their RSS feeds. Javascript can be easily used to display RSS feeds on a website. However, some say it is not the most search engine-friendly method available.

PHP coupled with HTML is the preferred method for displaying feeds on a website when it comes to search engine optimization. This is so because servers use the PHP language to communicate with an HTML website. The search engine spiders do not recognize the PHP, but it recognizes the HTML that PHP initiates and controls via the server.

Search spiders are very ancient in regards to recognizing new markup language technology. One could say search engines are lagging so far behind in terms of markup language interpretation that it is surprising that they still manage to continue functioning. They continue to function because HTML is still the main language used by websites.

On the other hand, search engines have made great strides in recognizing other nuances of searching on the internet, such as recognizing when illegal linking schemes are present on websites. So, they are not ancient in certain context, but they definitely are, in the new language recognition department. This brought us back to our discussion about Javascript and RSS feeds.

Javascript is a web markup language that is recognized and read by the user's browser, but not all the time, depending on the set up of the site. Javascripts can also be controlled by the host server in displaying RSS feeds on a website. In either case, it is still not recognized by search engines-search engines cannot read Javascripts.

Therefore, the only benefit a website that is displaying feeds via Javascripts get is user interactivity statistics, which is a component of search analytics. If search spiders, recognize that a particular website displaying RSS feeds via Javascript is being frequent by visitors and those visitors are sticking around for long periods, then it will give credits to that site by ranking it higher than it normally would have without the interactivity.

It is much more difficult to implement RSS content technology using PHP than it is Javascript, but it is worth the effort. Webmasters would have had to learn the PHP markup language, which isn't, easy before they would be able to use it to display feeds. There are many RSS content reader software on the market and there are also many websites that offer free versions.

The PHP to HTML option of displaying feed content is much more search engine-friendly. When the server communicates to the website, it uses the PHP language to do the communicating. The website then responds to the signals from the server by using the HTML markup language, which is what the search spider seas and can recognize.

The RSS feed is then displayed among the HTML codes and tags where the search engine spiders picks them up and deliver them to the search engine directory for archiving. So when search terms corresponding to those key words are entered into the search engine search bar, the search engine displays the archived information to the human searcher.

The search engine therefore perceives the feed content between the HTML codes on a website displaying feeds as belonging to that website. So even though the content or feed is being fed from another site, the search engine thinks that it originates from the website displaying the RSS feed. This is the advantage of using PHP and HTML to display RSS content on a website.

In concluding thoughts, using Javascript for displaying RSS feed content does have some good, but it definitely has its share of drawbacks. Using PHP and HTML to display RSS feeds on the other hand, is obviously the better option; however, it is the most difficult.

How Important is the Use of RSS Feeds to Online Marketing   All About RSS - Rich Site Summary   The Work at Home Women RSS Feed - What is it, What Does it Do, and Why Do I Need it?   RSS Feeds - What Are They? And How to Use Them   

What is RDF & How RSS Changed

Hi and welcome back to our short series on RSS submission and syndication for the newbie. In today's article I'm going to briefly discuss what RSS or Resource Description Framework is. RDF is little more than a form of XML language. RDF is specific in that it represents information about resources on the world wide web. Typically the information it includes is the title, author, and modification date of a web page. It's a framework for XML that describes the information (or resources) available on the web. This is why it is called Resource Description Framework.

In 1999 David Winer and others had called for an update to RSS from Dan Libby of Netscape. Dan Libby then released RSS as version 0.91 to include additional capabilities and features while making the simpler overall. One of the ways Dan did this was by ditching the RDF format all together and worked straight from the XML format. Since he abandoned the RDF format, RSS had to be renamed or redefined. It was redefined to Rich Site Summary. Ironically, David Winer's userland adopted this new format, and the Netscape stopped developing RSS all together.

Oddly, people really liked the idea so in late 2000 Rael Dornfest lead a group of software developers in the development of RSS 1.0 which was again based Dave Winer had left UserLand but was still working on RSS. In late 2002, Dave introduced RSS 2.0 and at this time defined it as the Really Simple Syndication that we know today.

How Important is the Use of RSS Feeds to Online Marketing   All About RSS - Rich Site Summary   The Work at Home Women RSS Feed - What is it, What Does it Do, and Why Do I Need it?   RSS Feeds - What Are They? And How to Use Them   

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